I've annotated the proposal as Hi Would you explain the meaning of as in this context? As for the writing itself, I've annotated the proposal AS and where I thought it could be improved. Thank you
2019년 10월 5일 오전 5:44
답변 · 6
'As for' means 'with regards to', or 'concerning', or 'With respect to'. Eg. "Concerning the writing itself .... ", "With regards the writing itself ..." etc.
2019년 10월 5일
it means the writing was corrected as needed, the grammar and spelling mistakes that were needed were corrected, and also the proposal as been annotated, where the writer personally thought annotation was needed. As has many definitions, this particular use doesn't seem to be explained in many dictionaries. You could apply this sentence to all corrections on italki, that/this is what the correctors do. They correct the spelling and grammar and to varying degrees they annotate with extra comments, tips, suggestions etc where they personally think they are needed.
2019년 10월 5일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!