Could you please check these phrases below: None of them are willing to take responsibility for the problem that has been identified with the website. Everyone is passing the buck with the problem that has been identified with the website. When a customer visits our website to create an account online there’s an error message. I’m going to manage this problem. It’s good to follow up on the conversation with an email to give you an idea of what was discussed or agreed. It’s important to keep a track of what had been discussed with colleagues.
2019년 10월 9일 오후 4:16
답변 · 2
Hi Bill, Thanks for your suggestions. In which sentence I can replace "it's" by there is? It's not very clear to me.
2019년 10월 9일
Perfect, I might say there's but I would not write it, I would write "there is" though "it's" is acceptable. The second sentence is a bit stilted. I might say "everyone is passing the buck over the website problem". Auvoir.
2019년 10월 9일
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