I am looking for a word Hi dear native speakers I heard a word a few months ago but I can't remember it now. The meaning of the word is sth like this: for example you want to go to a bank and your wife asks you to have lunch before leaving. But you say : I will go to a restsurant "on the way" going to the bank. How do you say convey this idea? I am sure if I hear the word, I will immediately remember it😭 what is that word? Thanks
2019년 10월 12일 오후 9:28
답변 · 6
Could it be "en route"? It's a French word but it's used in English. "I will go to the restaurant en route to the bank"
2019년 10월 12일
I will go to a restaurant on my way to the bank. I will go to a restaurant while en route to the bank. "En route" is a French phrase, but we use it in English. Or one might say "in route." I will go to a restaurant in transit to the bank. I will go to a restaurant midway to the bank. Meaning "in the middle of the way" between the bank and your home. These are the synonyms for "on the way" that I can think of. I hope it helps.
2019년 10월 13일
I will stop by the restaurant "on my way" to the bank.
2019년 10월 12일
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