Faye Shapiro
root word блюд in russian I have a list of root words and I use it to help understand new russian vocab easier, but there are a few roots that seem confusing to me. for example блюд supposedly means “observe” but it seems to mean in everyday russian “dishes” or “meals” ? are there any examples where it relates to observation? or is this related to observation?
2019년 10월 28일 오후 10:49
답변 · 7
Faye, they are different roots:) That is, they are related but likely only on Indo-European level. Блюдо means a dish. A dish like spaghetti alla puttanesca, and also a big plate. Usually we say "тарелка" for a plate. To be called "блюдо" it must be large or beutiful or otherwise unusaul. Let's say,. this words adds certain importantce to the dish. Usually I imagine it as something rather wide and flat. But I'm ready to call a soup plate this way too, as long as it is impressive. A very common word is diminutive from it: Блюдце. It is just a saucer. This word is thought to be a loan from Gothic, where "biuths" meant table. Блюсти is "keep, observe". Observe Shabbat, yes:) A bit archaic/solemn/poetic. Can also be used in the sense "keep/guard". Соблюдать is a more modern word for "observe" (Shabbat) Наблюдать is "observe" in the sense "watch".
2019년 10월 29일
Блюдо - a dish Наблюдать - to observe, наблюдение - observation Я наблюдаю за птицами. Соблюдать - to keep (rules, traditions), соблюдение - keeping? :) Я соблюдаю правила. או לדוגמה - אני שומרת שבת :)
2019년 10월 28일
"Наблюдать" - смотреть, следить за чем-то, кем-то. Сюда же можно включить все однокоренные слова: наблюдение, наблюдатель, наблюдательность, наблюдательный и т.п. Синонимы: "блюсти" (блюду, блюдёт...), "соблюдать" - следить за исполнением (например закона). И однокоренные: блюститель, соблюдение, несоблюдение, соблюдающий и т.д.
2019년 10월 29일
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