때 vs 에 Hi, I know both particles are used for time but is there any difference between for example 여름에 and 여름때 ? Also, is (으)면 more used than (으)ㄹ때 to refer to the time a certain action takes place ? 감사합니다!
2019년 10월 30일 오후 10:17
답변 · 3
In fact, '때' is not a particle but a noun which means a specific time or period. It is right that '에' is a particle indicating a time or place. So, actually '여름 때' is short for '여름 때에'. However, we usually don't use '에' together with '때'. I don't know the exact reason because I am not a grammarian but I think it is because the sound of 'ㅐ' in '때' and 'ㅔ' in '에' is similar. It is hard to say the difference between '여름에' and '여름 때' but it seems to me '여름 때' emphasizes the specific season or time period of '여름'. '(으)면' can mean both 'if' or 'when', while 'ㄹ때' means 'when' only. Please compare the following examples. 1) 내가 공부하면 그는 항상 잠을 잔다. When I study, he always sleeps. 내일 비가 오면 나는 밖에 나가지 않겠다. If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out. 2) 내가 노래할 때, 그는 귀를 막고 있었다. When I was singing, he was closing his ears.
2019년 10월 31일
ㄹ 때 = when, 에 = in
2019년 10월 30일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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