Da dove vieni o Di dove sei? Hello! Could you please explain the difference between "Da dove vieni" and "Di dove sei"? I am a little bit confused. As far as I understood from my textbook, "Da dove vieni" is used when we are talking about luogo di nascita like "Vado dalla Russia" or "Vado dalla Mosca". But can I say "Sono della Russia" or "Sono di Mosca" or even "Sono da Mosca?"
2019년 11월 8일 오전 3:37
답변 · 11
Ciao, Irina. What textbook are you using? Are you attending some course? 'Venire' means to come and 'andare' to go. When talking about your origin, you can say "sono di" with a city name, like "sono di Mosca" or "sono russa".
2019년 11월 8일
Ciao Irina! "Da dove vieni?" and "Di dove sei?" have more or less the same meaning. They're both used to ask where one persone comes from. Altough there's a slight difference between the two: 1. To answer the question "Da dove vieni?", you should answer mentioning the name of your city or your country. Es: Vengo da Firenze / Vengo dalla Toscana; 2. To answer the question "Di dove sei?", you should use the so-called adjectives of nationality. In fact, the verb "sei" = essere indicates a physical or a personality characteristic of the person. Es: Sono russa / Sono italiana --- but also Sono bionda / Sono alta. Finally, pay attention not to mistake the verb VENIRE with the verb ANDARE: they have a similar meaning but their use is different. Spero di essere stata utile :)
2019년 11월 8일
Actually, we don't answer "Di dove sei?" just with the nationality adjectives, but also with the city. Even more considering that the first thing we ask after listening "sono russa", it's "di dove?", so better to say already "sono di Mosca".
2019년 11월 9일
Actually the two answers "Sono russa" or "Sono di Mosca" are both right. "Vengo dalla Russia" sounds ok if, for example, you are in Italy and you are telling someone where you come from. Hope it helps!
2019년 11월 8일
Da dove vieni? = Where do you come from? Es. vengo dalla Russia Di dove sei? = where are you from (originally)? Es.Sono Russa
2019년 11월 8일
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