Do you know "put out" as a vulgar slang? I just came to know that "put out " can be used as a vulgar slang(Northamerica). I only knew its(put out) meaning for which it is mostly used. Could you please confirm if it's a common vulgar slang(understood by most of the people) used (only) in North-America? Thank you for your precious time!:)
2019년 12월 13일 오전 7:41
답변 · 7
The expression "put out" was used in Canada (and I suppose in the US) in the 50s and 60s, but I'm not sure if it's still used by young men (usually teenage boys) to refer to the action of young ladies. The term "put out" is explained at
2019년 12월 13일
Yes, it is a vulgar slang here in North America. I do not know if other places also understand our slang, though However, those two words can be used in normal conversation without a problem. For example, "I have to put out the trash before I got to work."
2019년 12월 13일
Thank you DavidK for the info. Now, it's clear to me!:)
2019년 12월 15일
I don’t know how common it is, but I think it would be widely understand. Rather than vulgar, though, I’d say it risks coming across more as demeaning towards women and generally unenlightened with respect to gender relations when used by men. So, for example, a woman using the term to describe herself might come across as humorous.
2019년 12월 13일
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