khmer speakers how do you ask if someone is allergic to something?
2009년 9월 2일 오후 1:26
답변 · 3
I'm not clear what you want to ask! if you can give me an example of the question.
2013년 7월 17일
This might be handy too. Here are some useful Khmer words and phrases English. Khmer. Hello. How are you? Good morning. Good night. Afternoon. My name is..... Yes. No. Please. Thank You. Excuse me. Goodbye. I do not understand ...
2009년 9월 2일
Hi, just copy paste into the English-Khmer dictionary which is an English to Cambodian translation dictionary with explanations and examples.
2009년 9월 2일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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