how to be a humor man? any advice?
2008년 2월 26일 오전 5:31
답변 · 3
哈哈, 这个需要天赋
2008년 2월 26일
read more, think more, I think.
2008년 2월 26일
hmm. the best comedians tend to be combinations of these: A) smart. B) observant. C) funny (this one is quite important, actually). D) (optional) musically inclined. also, watch lots of stand-up comedy (if that's what you're aiming for), and learn from them.. the way the present themselves, their gestures, their facial expressions, how they draw in the audience, etc... etc.. a few of my favourites are: Ed Byrne Stephen Lynch Eddie Izzard
2008년 2월 26일
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