How to say: "Nice to meet you" in Spanish?
2010년 6월 11일 오전 4:18
답변 · 7
Man says "encantado" but woman "encantada" /
2010년 6월 11일
these are correct ways but very formal. As you are young, sure you wouldnt use them too much when introduced to other youngers, specially in informal contexts. I cant give you the present time ones as i am out of fashion now. So, look for some young to tell. There are some formulas that may help introduce youself showing a bit of your expectations or your standpoint before the ones you are introduced, be a mate, a girl, for fun time, for etc. They are quite normal, nothing to do with slang or ingroup pertenence or alike. Just, habitude. (talking about younger people).
2010년 6월 11일
¡Mucho gusto! ¡Encantada/o!
2010년 6월 11일
Mucho gusto,..encantado(a)...
2010년 6월 11일
"Encantado de conocerte" or "Mucho gusto"
2010년 6월 11일
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