But can Finacial Managers, Sales Managers, Logistic Managers etc. be called senior managers??? What kind of people can be called senior managers in a company? I guess people such as CEO, (Vise)Prisident can be called senior managers. But can Finacial Managers, Sales Managers, Logistic Managers etc. be called senior managers???
2010년 6월 28일 오전 11:51
답변 · 3
Usually not. Senior managers are typically at the VP/Director/Executive level. Financial Managers, Sales Managers, Logistics Managers are known as "(Business) Line Managers" and are usually considered mid-level managers. Again, as Martin stated, it depends on the side of the company.
2010년 6월 29일
This depends on the size of the company. And then there can be an inflation of titles. I know companies who call everyone at the lowest level a manager.
2010년 6월 28일
Yes, but they may more likely be called: 1. senior financial manager 2. senior sales manager 3. senior logistics manager Here, "senior" means "chief" or "head." Many businesses/companies have managers that may oversee other managers. This could possibly be called a senior manager, but may have a more specific job title like those I've listed above. Hope this helps! :)
2010년 6월 28일
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