Alaa Safigül
What does ( okie dokie ) mean ? and what does ' dokie ' stand for ? I know this is from slang , and it maybe a silly question for somehow ! but I want to know what does " dokie " mean .. thank you in advance.
2010년 12월 10일 오후 6:31
답변 · 7
Okie dokie means "ok", okay, or fine. It's just a slang version of saying ok, as in "I'm going to the store, ok?" "Dokie" by itself does not mean anything at all. You would never use it except as part of "okie dokie".
2010년 12월 10일
1. Used to express approval or agreement. ( to say OK ) Example : 1st Person: I want you to clear out your desk. 2nd Person: Okie Dokie 2- A phrase that is used to express one does not care. Example : Girl 1: I'm going to start a rumor about you for stealing my boyfriend!! Girl 2: Okie dokie.
2010년 12월 10일
Thank you all for your answers. ^,^
2010년 12월 13일
2010년 12월 11일
nobody knows :) we just say 'okey dokey'. not all people say this, it's kind of .... silly.
2010년 12월 10일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!