I confused myself. What is the difference in meaning between わたしは食べました and わたしは食べていました?
2011년 3월 31일 오전 5:54
답변 · 4
For example, わたしは 今日 7時に あさごはんを 食べました。 I ate breakfast at 7am today. 昼ごはんを ともだちと いっしょに 食べました。 I ate lunch with my friends. 晩ごはんを レストランで 食べました。 I ate dinner at a restaurant. あなたが わたしに 電話したとき、わたしは 昼ごはんを 食べていました。 When you called me, I was eating lunch. けいさつ「あなたは、きのう 夜9時ごろ、何をしていましたか?」 ようぎしゃ「わたしは うちで 晩ごはんを 食べていました。」 police: What were you doing around 9 last night? suspect: I was eating dinner at home. わたしは こどものとき、たいてい 夜6時に 晩ごはんを 食べていました(habitual)。でも、今は たいてい 夜9時に 食べます/ 食べています(both OK)。 When I was a child, I used to eat dinner at 6pm. However, now, I eat at 9pm.
2011년 3월 31일
"わたしは食べました" is "I ate・・・" in English. "わたしは食べていました" is "I was eating・・・" "I have eaten" and "I had been eating" resemble each the words but them nuance are different a little bit therefore you are probably safe in thinking that way.
2011년 3월 31일
私は食べました。  = I ate. or I have eaten. 私は食べていました。= I was eating. or I had been eating.
2011년 3월 31일
わたしは食べました (i ate).わたしは食べていました(i was eating)
2011년 3월 31일
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