Here are some expressions I have learned from an essay which had reported some issues about the American Law students and the Law association. I think they are very useful for us to understand the law glossaries in some relevant reading material. pile into涌入 The best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting even more students to pile into law schools. 最好的律师赚了很多钱,诱使更多的学生挤进法学院。 make skyscrapers-full of money赚的盆满钵满 filer诉讼律师;文件编党员,锉磨工人,文件装订员 tort民事侵权行为 tort liability [法律]侵权行为赔偿责任 tort law 侵权行为法 Many of them instead become the kind of nuisance-lawsuit (讨厌的东西[人, 行为]) filer that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.相反,他们中的许多人最后成为那种妨碍案件的诉讼律师,致使民事侵权法律系统变成了价格高昂的噩梦。 bar association【美国🇺🇸律师协会】
2021년 12월 1일 오후 12:36