Hi, I have a question for the person who talks English fluent... Which one of those sentences is correct and very used.. 1 - my neighbor's dog p i s s me off all the time 2- my neighbor's dog bothered me all the time What I want to ask is the verb #bothere and # p i s s off.. Are the same meaning (synonimes) And which verb of them are used?
2021년 1월 23일 오후 2:58
답변 · 15
Salut Boby! Je suis américain, et à mon avis, « bother » et « piss off » ont plus ou moins le même sens, mais il y a une différence de registre importante. En d’autres termes, « bother » fait parti de l’anglais standard (c.-à-d., on peut le dire dans n’importe quel contexte), alors que « piss off » fait parti du registre familier (c.-à-d., on peut le dire entre potes, mais c’est déconseillé de l’utiliser avec les parents, au travail...). Pour te donner des exemples du français, « it bothers me », c’est comment dire « ça me gêne » ou « ça m’énerve », mais « it pisses me off », c’est comment dire « ça me fait chier ». J’espère l’avoir bien expliqué. Fais-moi savoir si tu as des questions! 😊
2021년 1월 23일
My neigbors dog bothers me all the time or my neighors dog pisses me off
2021년 1월 23일
2021년 1월 23일
Hi Bobby, they're similar, but, the way I see it, getting pis sed off could more accurately be described as "getting angry because of an annoying person/thing/action." You don't necessarily get angry when something is bothering you. On that note, because "pis s off" is more of a slang term, it's meaning can change depending on use. Some Examples: 1. You're really pis sing me off = You're really making me angry 2. He pis sed off to another state after what happened = He ran off to another state after what happened 3. Why don't you pis s off = Why don't you leave Both statements are widely used. It just depends on who you're talking to. Hope this helped! PS: I had to place a space between the two S of "pis sed" because the app wouldn't let me post the word as it is haha
2021년 1월 23일
My neighbour's dog bothers me all the time. This is how you are suppose to say it.
2021년 1월 24일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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