한국어 강사 Hoorimi


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
🇰🇷 Your Korean Teacher, Hoorimi 💙 | Certified🏅, Experienced📚, and Friendly😍!!!
시작 대한민국대한민국, Suweon 거주 중 (11:07 UTC+09:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2022년 Jan 24일
흥미로운 주제음악음식역사여행읽기
📌 Announcement - 🏖️ Summer vacation: 7/22-29th (I'm sorry. I'm off during my vacation.🥲) - ⭐️ I have opened new time slots for students living in various countries (Wednesday and Thursday). However, please note that the schedule may not be regular yet as it is still being coordinated. The new schedule will be stable from August onwards. 🩵 My Introduction 안녕하세요! 저는 후리미예요👩🏻 Hello! I'm Hoorimi, and I love being active and adventurous. That's why I enjoy going to new places and meeting new people. I'm always curious about how other people think and live. Teaching Korean and having conversations with people from different cultures is a joyful and meaningful experience for me.

한국어 강의

시범 수업
128개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
1. Like a Native speaker!😎(A conversational lesson)
A2 -  C2

회화 연습

1,369개 강의 완료됨
USD 11.00+
패키지(3% 할인가)
2. Only you💜 (Customized lesson)
A2 -  C2


409개 강의 완료됨
USD 12.00+
패키지(1% 할인가)
3. Build up!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼 (Structure and practical lesson)
A1 -  B2


278개 강의 완료됨
USD 13.00+

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
어휘 (1)
퀴즈 (19)

204개의 평가

학생 Nicole Fuentes
Nicole Fuentes
7개의 한국어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hoorimi is sooo amazing! I've been with many tutors on here, but she is by far one of my favorites! She makes you feel comfortable enough to make mistakes and helps me fix them with patience. As an intermediate learner, she also challenges me by speaking and explaining everything in only Korean. This has been helping me improve tremendously and I can't wait to continue taking classes with her ^-^
2024년 1월 11일
학생 Carol
13개의 한국어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hoorimi shines because of her flexible teaching style - she adapts her methods to suit each student's individual learning style and pace, making each lesson a truly personalised learning experience😍I literally enjoy every lesson I had with Hoorimi!
2023년 11월 9일
학생 Niya
14개의 한국어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hoorimi is an amazing teacher who knows how to make her lessons enjoyable and fun. Her teaching style is engaging and interactive, which makes the lessons so interesting. Not only does she have a great and fun personality, but she also has the ability to effortlessly explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Thank you! (:
2023년 10월 4일
학생 Océane
4개의 한국어 강의
Hoorimi is really nice and helpful. Even though I’m shy and nervous to speak in Korean she easily put you in a comfortable environment. She rephrases your sentence and explain new words in a simple way. I’m always looking forward for the next lesson. ☀️
2024년 7월 10일
학생 Desta
1개의 한국어 강의
Great to meet you! I’m excited and inspired about learning Korean now 🤗
2024년 7월 9일
학생 Nicole
11개의 한국어 강의
Teacher Hoorimi’s lessons were always fun and engaging! She was always encouraging even when it had been some time between my last lesson :) thanks!
2024년 6월 26일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.