베트남어 강사 Mia Huynh

Mia Huynh

커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
Over 3 years of teaching experience
시작 베트남베트남, Saigon 거주 중 (01:43 UTC+07:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2022년 Mar 1일
흥미로운 주제게임예술동물건강작문
Hi, My name is Mia. I was born in Binh Dinh Province. I'm living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, also called Sai Gon. I’m a professional Vietnamese tutor. I love traveling and making new friends. I am so friendly and a good listener. So It would be great to know and talk with people in the world.

베트남어 강의

시범 수업
8개 강의 완료됨
USD 8.00+
Easy Vietnamese for Beginners
A1 -  C2


45개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
패키지(15% 할인가)
Vietnamese for traveling and living
A2 -  C2


40개 강의 완료됨
USD 8.00+
패키지(18% 할인가)
Vietnamese for All Levels
A1 -  C2


35개 강의 완료됨
USD 8.00+
패키지(18% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
퀴즈 (2)

11개의 평가

학생 David デイビッド
David デイビッド
1개의 베트남어 강의
Excellent lesson for beginner
2023년 5월 14일
학생 Doug LaRue
Doug LaRue
2개의 베트남어 강의
Thank you very much, i had a great lesson and will be back for more. This is my first time traveling to Vietnam and i will be traveling throughout the country. If possible, i want to be able to speak some Vietnamese with the locals. These lessons are really helping me with my speaking and listening. She is very patient and does a great job helping me understand.
2023년 2월 4일
학생 Kent Doty
Kent Doty
35개의 베트남어 강의
She is really adaptable, and I have had a really great experience with her as a beginner. She is a super fun person who is really easy to talk to
2022년 9월 22일
학생 Ian Dickey
Ian Dickey
4개의 베트남어 강의
I think Mia is very skilled at finding out what is effective for her students. Today she just kept speaking even though she knew I didn't understand everything but I think its actually a effective method. We might have circled back and repeated a lot but she still tried to keep the pace up. I think this could be helpful for anyone who is having trouble getting into the Advanced level.
2022년 5월 14일
학생 Mike Surinak
Mike Surinak
1개의 베트남어 강의
Fun lesson!.. really challenged my listening skills :)
2022년 4월 24일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.