독일어 강사 Biz Engl Deut Vera

Biz Engl Deut Vera

전문 강사
지도 언어:
구사 언어
IMPROVE your COMMUNICATION skills with qualified Business COACH. Intermediate level & higher!
시작 캐나다에콰도르, Loja 거주 중 (20:32 UTC-05:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2017년 Aug 14일
흥미로운 주제기술금융건강마케팅
With a Master's Degree in TEACHING, I have also worked in BUSINESS for over 20 years, mostly in the area of sales/customer service in Germany and Canada. I was always keenly interested in supporting people to achieve their goals in COMMUNICATION and started coaching colleagues from early on. I began my career as a BUSINESS ENGLISH Teacher for TAITRA, the Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan, 22+ years ago. Now, I have been living in Ecuador for 9+ years, and I have been teaching on italki since 2017. Ich unterrichte auch in meiner Muttersprache DEUTSCH für die GESCHÄFTSWELT oder TESTS!

독일어 강의

시범 수업
498개 강의 완료됨
USD 12.00+
B1 -  C2


1,008개 강의 완료됨
USD 15.00+
패키지(10% 할인가)
VORBEREITUNG TESTs Goethe Zertifikat, DSH, TestDaf, telc, UCAT
B1 -  C2

시험 준비

290개 강의 완료됨
USD 18.00+
패키지(10% 할인가)
B1 -  C2


162개 강의 완료됨
USD 20.00+
패키지(10% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)

482개의 평가

학생 renareischel
22개의 독일어 강의
강사님의 선택
Vera is the best teacher I've without a doubt! The weird thing is that with her I was happy to have class, that's never happened to me before, it was always so boring and before every class I was like "please no." She is a really special teacher and agreed to help me even though my german level was not the one she usually teaches. Thank you very much, I learned more with you in a month than I had with any other german teacher in a year.
2023년 5월 10일
학생 Atenas
4개의 영어 강의
강사님의 선택
EXCELLENT interview training done with an EXCELLENT professional" Vera is more than a language teacher, she is a career coach. She puts you under real interview conditions and makes you improve your answers. I am very grateful for having met such a wonderful woman. I definitely recommend her for your interview training. If you are searching for a professional teacher to improve your business English or German, she is THE one!
2022년 9월 21일
학생 Mira Nova
Mira Nova
30개의 독일어 강의
강사님의 선택
I highly recommend Vera to anyone who wants to make progress in learning English and/ or German. Vera is a unique language teacher because she understands cultural contexts for both languages - English and German. Vera can explain the nuances of speaking the languages very well. If you need to perfect your language skills, lessons with Vera will give you immediate results.
2021년 4월 29일
학생 Rebecca Lu
Rebecca Lu
8개의 영어 강의
I am lucky that I have a teacher who knows much about my job. We talked and discussed my working details. I got English knowledge and pronunciation skills while I introduced my working. An hour passed so quickly, I am very happy I could discuss so deep about my working with my English teacher. I am eager to attend next class.
2024년 7월 17일
학생 Rebecca Lu
Rebecca Lu
8개의 영어 강의
Touched that Vera has good memory about my previous class even I had class half a year ago, I will start again to learn speaking English with my teacher Vera, hope to improve my English soon.
2024년 7월 3일
학생 Khai Tran
Khai Tran
2개의 영어 강의
Vera is so calm and caring during the conversation. Vera listened to my story and guided me on the next step. Her recommendation includes something I can do by myself in my free time to improve English. She also pointed out some ineffective methods that I've been using to learn English. I really appreciate this and I definitely want to come back for more lectures.
2024년 5월 22일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.