아랍어 강사 Abdelrhman


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
아랍어(현대 표준어)
구사 언어
4 years of teaching experience.
시작 이집트이집트, Cairo 거주 중 (13:22 UTC+03:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2019년 Oct 30일
흥미로운 주제기술동물게임환경 및 자연스포츠
I'm Abdelrhman from Cairo, Egypt. I'm 23 years old. My major is Translation and interpretation between EN,AR and FR. I really like the idea of helping others to learn my native tongue whatever their current level is!!! I love animals especially cats but I don't have one yet. I hope I do soon. I like Technology, Reading, watching Movies and series a lot, Sports, Travelling, Playing video Games and making new Friends from all over the world.

아랍어 강의

아랍어(현대 표준어)
시범 수업
71개 강의 완료됨
USD 5.00+
Informal Tutoring (Arabic lessons)
A1 -  C2


442개 강의 완료됨
USD 5.50+

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)

195개의 평가

학생 Tula
37개의 아랍어(현대 표준어) 강의
강사님의 선택
Excellent lesson and teacher. I like that Abdelrhman doesn't just explain how to read the Arabic texts; rather, he gives me lots of guided practice in doing so. He has me put in the work. The materials are always appropriate to my level--not too easy, and not too difficult. As an added bonus, I'm picking up some new words in Arabic from the different things we read. I also enjoy that we cap off our lessons with a round of chess!
2022년 3월 27일
학생 Seth
12개의 아랍어(현대 표준어) 강의
강사님의 선택
Excellent lesson as always with Abdelrhman. Abdelrhman leads the lesson well, all the while ensuring that the focus is on maximizing my output as much as possible. The result is that I get a ton of practice in and really feel like I'm internalizing the language. Looking forward to next time.
2020년 4월 12일
학생 Maria
6개의 아랍어(이집트) 강의
강사님의 선택
Excellent tutor! Abdelrhman is well organized, patient, and knowledgeable. He easily understands what clarifications you may need and is proactive in answering them. He addresses your concerns and weaknesses at every following lesson. Abdo can fluidly carry on conversations depending on your interests and is also keen on focusing on topics that you want to work on like daily conversations that you may need (asking for directions, ordering food, etc.) or reading comprehension. Very responsive to questions and readily sends over resources he believes may help you. Overall, I am impressed and well-satisfied with our lessons and will continue to take more with Addelrhman.
2020년 1월 16일
학생 Richard
22개의 아랍어 강의
Another great lesson with Abdelrahman! He always comes prepared for every lesson and reinforces my understanding of what we learned previously. He is also patient and helps me along as I try to wrap my head around certain Arabic concepts, words, or phrases. Looking forward to many more lessons with Abdelrahman and am grateful for how much I am learning with him as a teacher!
2024년 2월 22일
학생 Tula
37개의 아랍어(이집트) 강의
I've attempted to learn Egyptian Arabic several times, and I'm finally making good progress with Abdelrhman. He always has materials prepared for the lesson, he's very punctual, and he has a positive, encouraging attitude. Thank you, and see you in the next lesson!
2024년 1월 30일
학생 Tula
37개의 아랍어(이집트) 강의
I haven't spoken Egyptian Arabic for ages, but Abdelrhman helped me get back into the language. I appreciated that he came with materials, and made learning a positive experience. He has helped me read MSA, so it was also just really nice to see him again!
2023년 12월 6일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.