독일어 강사 Cornelius


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
Ein nettes Gespräch bei einer Tasse Tee ~
시작 오스트리아오스트리아, Vienna 거주 중 (03:47 UTC+02:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2022년 Apr 5일
흥미로운 주제읽기스포츠과학여행환경 및 자연
Hallo! Ich bin Cornelius aus Österreich! Ich bin 25 Jahre alt und studiere Linguistik in Wien! Ich lese für mein Leben gerne und Sprachen haben mich schon immer fasziniert. Nach meinem Studium möchte ich Deutschlehrer für Ausländer*innen werden. Ich bin ein sehr positiver Mensch und freue mich immer, neue Leute kennenzulernen! ☀ Hey, I am Cornelius from Austria! I am 25 years old and I study Linguistics in Vienna. I love to read and I've always been fascinated by languages. After my studies I aim to become a German teacher for foreigners. I'm a very positive human being and I love meeting new people! ☀

독일어 강의

시범 수업
155개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
Gesprächsübung / Conversation Practice
A2 -  C2

회화 연습

1,649개 강의 완료됨
USD 15.00+
패키지(10% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)

91개의 평가

학생 mirabelka
53개의 독일어 강의
강사님의 선택
Cornelius ist sehr geduldig und unterstützend. Dank ihm habe ich weniger Angst, auf Deutsch zu sprechen. Die Unterrichtsstunden mit Cornelius machen auch immer Spaß. Herzlichen Dank und bis nächstes Mal, Cornelius!
2022년 11월 20일
학생 Amélie
19개의 독일어 강의
강사님의 선택
Cornelius ist wirklich wunderbar als Tutor und auch als Mensch. Er ist sympathisch, geduldig, schlau, lustig und ein großartiger Gesprächspartner. Mit ihm als Tutor hat sich mein Deutschniveau in drei Monaten sehr verbessert. Ich empfehle ihn Tausendmal !
2022년 7월 18일
학생 Ioana Popescu
Ioana Popescu
6개의 독일어 강의
강사님의 선택
The lesson was really nice! I felt very comfortable blurting out the little German that I know lol. I think Cornelius is a great conversational partner! He knows how to be patient but also when to intervene to help you out and I really appreciated that he also told me about how German is spoken in Austria vs how it is spoken in Germany. Looking forward to the next classes! Danke!
2022년 4월 10일
학생 Julia
12개의 독일어 강의
Cornelius is always a pleasure to talk to! My German has improved greatly thanks to his help, and with his patience and suggestions, I have grown the confidence needed to speak German. I couldn't recommend him enough!
2024년 6월 18일
학생 Jessica
26개의 독일어 강의
It's always great to have a lesson with Cornelius. He is helpful, patient and creates a comfortable environment to speak in.
2024년 6월 4일
학생 James Tew
James Tew
8개의 독일어 강의
I had a great trial lesson with Nikolaus! Using conversation, he understood the reasons behind my learning and fully supported me as I stumbled through our session. I highly recommend you take a lesson with him if you’re serious about learning German.
2024년 5월 7일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.