nauczyciel angielski Frances Jane

Frances Jane

Lektor ze społeczności
Rodzimy użytkownik
Native speaker, certified TEFL tutor, IELTS conversation practice & communication coach.
Z: Zjednoczone KrólestwoMiejsce zamieszkania: Brighton, Zjednoczone Królestwo (10:18 UTC+01:00)
O mnie
Nauczyciel italki od 20 Apr 2022
Temat zgodny z zainteresowaniamiPisaniePodróżeŚrodowisko naturalne i przyroda
Hello! I am a certified TEFL tutor, experienced in helping people overcome their language-learning blocks gain confidence, and speak with greater fluency. My lessons focus on improving communication, developing vocabulary, and promoting fluency with themed-structured lessons. My goal is to help you achieve your language learning objectives and help you to speak English confidently and effectively. Are you ready to take the next step on your language-learning journey? Then why not book a trial lesson with me and together we can work towards helping you achieve your language learning goals?

angielski Lekcje

Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 24
USD 6.00+
Build a strong foundation - English speaking and conversational skills ( A1-C2 )
A1 -  C2


Ukończone lekcje: 174
USD 11.57+
Pakiet z 10% zniżki
Lets get chit chatting - English conversation for upper intermediate - advanced learners ( B2-C2 )
B2 -  C2


Ukończone lekcje: 0
USD 7.20+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki


Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
Moje prace
Słownictwo (2)
Quiz (131)

15 opinie/i

Uczeń fredquelven
23 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
Je suis super contente des moments passés avec Frances Jane. Elle met très à l'aise et est super coopérante. Je vous la recommande vivement si vous voulez progresser rapidement !!!
3 maj 2023
Uczeń Iwoszu
11 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
Just finished my trial Lesson and I am definitely signing for more aa Frances is matching all my needs in order to improve communication skills, she is kind and patent, listens carefully and is giving good advices
18 lut 2023
Uczeń GAVI
19 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
First lesson and can’t wait to book for the next. Jane is very patient and kind. I learn new useful words. She also provides some good advices to improve my english.
19 sty 2023
Uczeń michael
1 lekcja angielski
This was my first lesson with Francis. I am satisfied, the first impression is very positive.
23 lut 2024
Uczeń Alessio Testa
Alessio Testa
16 lekcje/i angielski
I can conirm again her energy and her efforts to me. She is not only a teacher, but she is a person how take care about what she do. Thanks France and.. see you next week. Ale
25 sty 2024
Uczeń Alessio Testa
Alessio Testa
16 lekcje/i angielski
She is a Great person. I really enjoyed the lesson because she put all of her passion and energy in what she taught. A nice, careful and meticulous person! I really love it and I was looking for that. Go on with her!
23 sty 2024
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