Hey guys, I’m so happy to take part in #moreфон2020. Cool people are here🥰 Let’s get to know each other! So I’d like to write one fact about me. Due to my small stature, I’m sometimes mistaken for a kid. At times I have to show my passport to enter the cinema... Not to mention about buying alcohol for some celebration🤭 But sometimes my looks is beneficial. Once I was in the shop on Children’s day, and the salesman was giving gifts for kids. Guess who got the gift?😄 Write facts about yourself in the comments!👇🏼 #day2
Dec 2, 2020 7:41 PM
Comments · 6
Hey, I can help you learn English and we can practice together. Add me. :) Happy learning!
December 3, 2020
Hello queen how are you doing Oky so I'm her if you want to practice with me just send me in whTssap or Skype you can find my ID and my number for my page italk
December 3, 2020
Hah! That's great:) I look younger as well:) I am a teacher at school and sometimes I am confused with a schoolgirl
December 3, 2020
ahaha cool story In my case it's the wrong way round, people often give me at about 20 yo, when I'm only 16😂
December 3, 2020
You? 🤔😅 Haha cool story 👍
December 3, 2020
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