Miss WU
Professional Teacher
New Practical Chinese Reader Book 2 Lesson 17 HSK2 Conversational Mandarin Full video course link - IG: ngchinesehk (profile description) 小云,哪儿卖中式衣服? xiǎo yún,nǎ er mài zhōng shì yī fu? Xiaoyun, where can we get some Chinese clothes? 你不知道吗?你来北京多长时间了? nǐ bù zhī dào ma?nǐ lái běi jīng duō cháng shí jiān le?Don’t you know? How long have you been in Beijing? 我来北京半年了。可是你在北京已经二十年了。 wǒ lái běi jīng bàn nián le。kě shì nǐ zài běi jīng yǐ jīng èr shí nián le。 I’ve been here for half a year. However you’ve been here for 20 years. 你是北京人,当然比我知道得多。 nǐ shì běi jīng rén,dāng rán bǐ wǒ zhī dào dé duō。 You’re a Beijing person, of course you know more than I do. 你说得对。现在北京的商店和商场多极了。 nǐ shuō dé duì。xiàn zài běi jīng de shāng diàn hé shāng chǎng duō jí le。 You are correct, now there are too many department stores and shops in Beijing. 大商场的东西比小商店的东西贵,可是小商店的东西不一定比大商场的差。 dà shāng chǎng de dōng xī bǐ xiǎo shāng diàn de dōng xī guì,kě shì xiǎo shāng diàn de dōng xī bù yí dìng bǐ dà shāng chǎng de chā。 Bigger stores are more expensive than small shops, but things in small shops might not be worse than big stores. 为什么现在想买中式衣服? wéi shén me xiàn zài xiǎng mǎi zhōng shì yī fu? Why want to buy Chinese clothes? 从下星期开始,我要学太极拳,我得穿一套中式衣服。 cóng xià xīng qī kāi shǐ,wǒ yào xué tài jí quán,wǒ dé chuān yí tào zhōng shì yī fu。 Start from next week, I will learn Taiji, I have to wear a set of Chinese clothes. 好极了!你穿中式衣服一定很帅。你喜欢什么颜色的? hǎo jí le!nǐ chuān zhōng shì yī fú yí dìng hěn shuài。nǐ xǐ huān shén me yán sè de? Great! You must be nice looking wearing Chinese clothes. What color do you like? 黑的还是红的?我喜欢白的。 hēi de hái shì hóng de?wǒ xǐ huān bái de。 Black or red? I like white. 我也喜欢白的,白的漂亮。你想买好的还是买便宜的? wǒ yě xǐ huān bái de,bái de piào liàng。nǐ xiǎng mǎi hǎo de hái shì mǎi pián yí de? I also like white, white is pretty. Do you want better or cheaper ones?
Nov 19, 2021 7:11 AM