Word "Lack of" How can I use the word Lack in a setence_?
Oct 6, 2016 7:47 AM
Comments · 11

The term "lack of" means:

- there is not enough of something

- there is an insufficient amount of something or an insufficient number of things.

I could not think well because of a lack of sleep (i.e., I was too tired)

I could not pay my bills becasue of a lack of funds in my bank account (i.e., not enough money to pay my bills)

I was not elected because of a lack of support from the voters.

People were thirsty due to a lack of drinking water.

The plants died due to a lack of rain.

October 6, 2016
Some people struggle to learn a foreign language because they LACK the determination to push through difficult times.
October 6, 2016
Lack of fund support,  you cannot build a company successfully under this circumstance. 
October 6, 2016
thanks very very much friends, all of you. it is really Helpfull, and now I know how to use it
October 6, 2016
Eg. Sometimes I lack vocabulary to talk with people about some topics
October 6, 2016
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