Disinterest and uninterest What is the difference between "uninterest" and "disinterest" How to use these in sentences?
Apr 1, 2017 12:56 PM
Comments · 4

According to

"According to traditional guidelines, disinterested should never be used to mean <em>‘</em>not interested’ (i.e. it is not a synonym for uninterested) but only to mean ‘impartial’, as in 'the judgements of disinterested outsiders are likely to be more useful'. Ironically, the earliest recorded sense of disinterested is for the disputed sense. Today, the ‘incorrect’ use of disinterested is widespread: around a quarter of citations in the <a href="" title="The Oxford English Corpus"><em>Oxford English Corpus</em></a> for disinterested are for this sense."

April 1, 2017


The state of not being influenced by personal involvement in something; impartiality.
‘I do not claim any scholarly disinterest with this book’

Lack of interest in something.

‘he chided Dennis for his disinterest in anything that is not his own idea’
April 1, 2017
I think "uninterested" is sometimes used as an adjective ("I'm uninterested in this topic"), although you'd mostly just say "I'm not interested". And "disinterest" is used as a noun ("My yawn gave away my disinterest in the topic"), and sometimes as an adjective ("I soon became disinterested") but probably less often than "uninterested".
April 1, 2017
I agree with Stephanie.  My "Webster's New World Dictionary" makes that distinction, but then it lists a second meaning of "disinterested" as a synonym for "uninterested."  Scandalous!
April 2, 2017