To native English speakers: Does the following sentences make any sense?

Ways in the gavel

I wanna ways in the gavel

Could it be a kind of regional use of the language? Or it doesn't make any sense at all?

Apr 14, 2017 5:26 PM
Comments · 16
My Catalonian is a bit rusty, but listening a second time, it appears that the whole idea is that they’re making fun of the fact that musicians can be successful writing songs with nonsense lyrics and performing with minimal musical skills.

“La lletra no l’entenc….”
(I don’t understand the lyrics)

“No sou més que una banda de pseudo-poetes. Feu quatre acords i us penseu que sap què.”
(you’re nothing but a bunch of pseudo poets. You can play four cords and you think you know what you’re doing)

“… canteu com hienes…”
(you sing like hyenas)
April 14, 2017

It's definitely a catchy song and It can have some different interpretations.

I attach the link with the lyrics, if it someone is interested to hear it:

@Phil No worries! El traductor a vegades pot jugar males passades

April 15, 2017
Just so you know how silly the lyrics area, the only meaning of "gavel" is the small hammer which a judge uses to request silence and order in court. 
April 15, 2017

Good appreciations.

It's true that it could be an exotic sound the fact that it is writen in two different languages. They not only play with the idea of kidding with the use of four cords, they also talk about the "power" created by a few words with a catchy music.  I think the key is in the sentence "Hi ha un subtext que mai no evoluciona" (There's a subtext that never evolves). And the subtext can be this set of words. Nevertheless, I guess that I expected a bit of sense on the text.

Thanks for your comments.

April 15, 2017

I agree with Phil, though it's quite possible that it never was intended to make any sense.

Many years ago you would see clothes, particularly sweatshirts and the like coming out of Asia with nonsensical English writing on them; "Best Supreme New York Rowing 1968" or some such thing. The assumption was that the designers either didn't speak English themselves or knew that most of their target market didn't speak English so it didn't matter what the actual words they used were; all they had to be was English to give a "Hollywood" feel to the clothes. The funny thing is that this caught on as a "style" and you now see this type of thing everywhere in the world.

If the lyrics are correct, and I still think it's a big "if", this may be similar; the intent may not be to convey a specific meaning but to give an English language "vibe" which would be as exotic in Catalonia as Catalan or Spanish lyrics would be in Canterbury.

April 14, 2017
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