What`s the difference between ために、ように and のに?

I cannot see a clearly difference about the usage, and how to difference it.

I think that ために is used for the purpose of doing something, and  ように  indicates that have the possibility of doing something. But i'm not sure about if that's right. 

And also I`m not sure about how to use のに

Hope someone can clarify and provide some examples!

Apr 23, 2018 5:39 AM
Comments · 4

Actually, ために and ように have several meanings respectively, like "for" in English or "para" y "por" en español. 

It’s better to show your example sentences which you have in mind.  

Un abrazo

May 3, 2018

*** Tentative conclusion:

-「よう」and 「ため」seem to have same meaning and be replacable
- it's practically (sometimes) yes, but grammatically no.The two words are different. They are so 'tricky'.

*** Exlpaination

- ため(noun): possible benefit in the future
 e.g.「それがおまえのためだ(It's for your good )」

- よう(noun):appearance 
e.g.「そのようだ(Look like so, They say so)」

For the rest of the explanation, please refer to :

April 23, 2018
Regarding ように , よう in general is a complicated piece of grammar that can do a lot of things, depending on the situation. Here's an article that really helped me understand it:

のに also behaves differently depending on the situation. Here's an article covering that:

I don't have anything for ために, though. But if you can find a good article on it, please share it with me!
April 23, 2018

Please let me write in Spanish because of my English. 

La traducción básica de cada uno es:

ために para


Voy a estudiar para el examen.

ように como,  para que pueda...


Ella es tan/muy linda como una muñeca.


Practico/Aprendo español para que pueda/sepa hablar mejor.

のに aunque


Aunque estamos en primavera, ha nevado.

Si tienes pregunta, házmela saber. Espero que te ayude.

April 23, 2018