Aditya Bhatnagar
Hurry vs get hurry. Need views I want to clarify in a sentence the usage of hurry vs get hurry. Need views

".. and with his eyes told me to get hurry".
"..and with his eyes told me to hurry".

Need support.
May 26, 2018 4:53 PM
Comments · 9
The words “happy” and “jealous” are adjectives. The word “hurry”  can be a verb or a (substantive) noun, never an adjective. In your example, the phrase “to hurry” is clearly a verb in the infinitive. We do not say “to happy” or “to jealous,” because “happy” and “jealous” are not verbs.

May 26, 2018
To hurry
May 26, 2018

Hi, Aditya.

The second sentence, "...and with his eyes told me to hurry" would be correct. 

Another variation (that I would use) is "... and with his eyes told me to hurry up."

As to your second question (to get happy, to get jealous):

If I write forms of these in sentences, "He is getting jealous" sounds very natural. You could also write "He is becoming jealous."

However, to me, "He is getting happy" does not sound natural. I would write "He is becoming happy".  Yes, as I think about it, "to GET happy" sounds very unnatural.

I hope this helps.

May 26, 2018


"To get happy

To get jealous

Why with the same reasoning the sentence cannot be correct -

Why not to "get hurry".."

To get hurry is erroneous as "get" and "hurry" are both verbs (action words)

whereas in "to get happy" and "to get jealous" both are okay since happy and jealous are adjectives

However, it is more natural to use "to be happy" and "to be jealous"

May 26, 2018

"and with his eyes told me to get a hurry on"

to get "a hurry on" = an idiom that is not used so often now; it means get hurrying /moving /go faster.

"and with his eyes told me to get hurrying"

this would be the same and is grammatically correct

May 26, 2018
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