What are some Polish compoud words?
Compoud words are extremely interesting part of vocabulary. Especially when they get creative, absurdal and funny. The more absurdal they are, the most probable is you will remember them well.

One of my favourite compound words in Polish is wiercipięta meaning a person who can't sit or stand in one place for a couple of minutes. (And it's me because whenever I stand in a queue I jump or walk or dance a bit!). This compound word is created with two words: wiercić - to drill and pięta - a heel. You can easily imagine a bored child n drilling the pavement with their heel right?

What other compoud words do you know in Polish?

You can find more Polish compound words with their explanations in my website. Copy and paste this link to your browser <a href="" target="_blank"></a>; :)

Have a wonderful day!
May 24, 2019 9:30 AM