Russian alphabet

Let's learn Russian alphabet.


1) letters а, б, в, г, д, e


"а" is [a] in a word "America"

"б" is [b] in a word "boy"


Try to read a word: баба

Answer: [baba] the underlined letter is the stressed syllable.


"в" - [v]  ex., vale

"г" - [g]   ex., go

"д" - [d]   ex., do (without aspiration, there is not aspiration in Russian)

"e" - [ye]   ex., like "ye" in "yes"


try reading the following:













Apr 19, 2012 10:10 AM
Comments · 9


And here is a video for those who  would like to practice:

April 19, 2012

6) letters ъ, ы, ь, э, ю, я 


ъ - hard sign

ы - no similar sound, [yi]

ь - soft sign (makes a preceding consonant sounf soft)

э - [e] like e in bed

ю -[yu] "y" in New York, and "oo" in book

я  - [ya]


Try reading: яма, юла, эльф, мы, Обь, объезд

Answers: [yama], [yula], [eljf], [myi], [obj], [ob'ezd]


NB: In the word "объезд" the hard sign is used to make the B sound hard, as vowel "e" [ye] always makes the preceding consonant soft. As well as the vowel "и"

April 19, 2012

5) letters ц, ч, ш, щ


ц - sounds like "t" and "s" pronounced together [ts]

ч - [ch] as in choose

ш - [sh] as in shall

щ - no similar sound, sounds like [t] and [sh] pronounced together [tsh]


(see the youtube videos on pronouncing these letters properly)


Try reading this: чаша, чай, шов, шрам, щи, цена

Answers: [chasha], [chai], [shov], [shram], [tshi], [tsyena]

April 19, 2012

Good job, Reema. 

My sincere applouds to you.

April 19, 2012

<em>Exercise2: Checking Alphabet 3), 4)</em>

Try reading the words, translate, learn by heart:

ропот, рост, буфет, рёв, воск, жезл, тупик, ломтик

(Search for videos in youtube to correct pronunciation. send me the spelling in the message for checking)

April 19, 2012
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