Do you like to be a CEO or a normal employee with enough salary, why?
Apr 28, 2014 4:13 AM
Comments · 5

I am the CEO of my life!

April 29, 2014

my answer is that you have to be a ceo

April 29, 2014

the second one.

being employee means less pressure than being CEO


April 29, 2014
I'd rather be an employee, because there is less responsibility. And these days the responsibility and stress of being a CEO would outweigh the positives for me.
April 28, 2014

It's one of a lots targets I would like to do in my life :) (Big Dreamer)to be a CEO. In my opinion, a CEO or higher position need a lot of work and build a leader character into your self otherwise better to move around in normal job with better offer.

April 29, 2014