Dawei Zhijiage
“惡作劇之吻”— 我的評論

“惡作劇之吻”— 我的評論

在我決定學習哪種外語之前(韓語、中文、日文),有人告訴我,我該看看這部改編自日本漫畫的韓國電視劇。這個故事基本情節是、 笨女孩喜歡天才男,但是天才男對她不感興趣。這部電視劇實際上由韓、日、台三地各拍攝了一個版本。

起初,我看了第一集,就看不下去這部與現實生活不符的、演技差的韓國的版本,“장난스런 키스。”後來,我看了前七集,再也看不下去這部缺乏凝聚力、即使演技更好一點兒的日本版本,“イタズラなKiss。”






This website does not allow me to add this to notebook, claiming story is too long. This is supposed to be a learning site, right?


Before I decided which foreign language to learn (Korean, Chinese, or Japanese), someone told me, I should take a look at this adapted from a Japanese manga Korean TV show. The basic storyline is, dumb girl likes boy genius but boy genius toward her not interested. This TV show actually (has) by Korean, Japan, and Taiwan, 3 local filmed versions.

Originally, I watched the first episode but could not continue this unrealistic, badly acted Korean version, Playful Kiss1. Afterwards, I watched the first seven episodes but again, also could not continue this lacking cohesive, even if the acting a little better Japanese version, “Mischievous Kiss.”

So far, regarding first two adaptations, my biggest problem is, in TV show, both don’t provide sufficient why male lead treats female lead so cruel motivation. Even if the prettiest girl in school not smart, wouldn’t most 16 year old boys, including smart ones, not desire with them to live together?

Naturally, I toward this Taiwan version didn’t have high expectations, but surprisingly, I unexpectedly very enjoyed watching this well-written, beautifully acted, version complete works, “It started with a kiss.”

In Taiwan version, boy genius, never cruel, only indifferent. Dumb girl, not only dumb but incompetent. She could not do anything right, except love boy genius. Over time, boy genius started to admire dumb girl’s perseverance. However, he fell in love with her time, guess what? I also fell in love with her.

Final note: In “It started with a kiss”, Ariel Lin gave such a masterful performance. Anyone can from studying her performance learn everything about acting.

Jun 7, 2014 3:14 AM
Comments · 19



汉语词典里是这么说的:室友- 住在同一个房间(一般是学校,单位的集体宿舍,寝室,或者共同租房同室居住)的人们,他们就是室友关系。

   最好的说法,就是湘琴和他爸爸借住在直树家。借住这个概念和租用本来就不同。可以说他们live together,因为这是事实,但是补充with their own family together更准确,也能避免误解。




November 7, 2014

Haha! Ur topic is awesome!

November 8, 2014


November 8, 2014


June 14, 2014

Yuan Xiang Qi did live together with Jiang Zhi Shu. Even the TV's dialog stated this fact. If the couple were not living together, then why did Jiang Wan Li get upset when he discovered Yuan Xiang Qi did live in the same house with Jiang Zhi Shu? Becuase in his mind, JIang Wan Li saw that Yuan Xiang Qi and Jiang Zhi Shu as living togther. You cannot change the facts in the TV because you do not like how the facts sound.


Even if you live with a roommate in a college dorm, you are living together. That's a fact

June 14, 2014
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