Profe José
Professional Teacher
German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Hindi, Farsi, Russian, etc?

Which one of these languages would be the 2nd most useful to you and why?

Jul 7, 2014 10:28 PM
Comments · 5

In my opinion English is going to be the most important one for a while, and Spanish is already one of the most important. I think Spanish is going to have much more importance in the next years

July 14, 2014

Spanish because I work in kitchens where there are almost always Spanish speaking cooks. However, I am more passionate about learning German.

July 14, 2014

Here in the USA, Spanish is definitely considered a second language among the people.  In some states like California, New Mexico, Arizona, etc they have laws that protect and promote the Spanish language.  Although Chinese is starting to become well received in many parts of Asian and Europe.

July 10, 2014

Spanish because in my state there are a lot of Spanish speakers.

July 8, 2014

I think Chinese because China has had a great economic development the last years, maybe many countries make business with Chinese businessmen.

July 8, 2014