English translating problem Could anyone here help me to translate this Chinese sentence into English? Thank you very much! "她凭借自己在绿色物流行业内多年的从业经历和丰富的国际物流学术交流经验让我们全面而深入地了解了物流管理这个专业。”
Mar 16, 2014 10:52 AM
Answers · 8
We can help you if you give us your own attempt first. Asking us to do your work is a different matter. Bing gives us this: "She is by virtue of his many years of experience in the logistics industry and extensive experience in international academic exchange gives us a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of logistics management profession." Google gives us this: "With her own many years of experience and a wealth of experience in logistics and international academic exchanges in the green logistics industry to make our comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the logistics management professional." Neither is a natural-sounding translation. What do you think should be fixed?
March 16, 2014
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