も particle as a single concept/from a Japanese perspective So I've recently come across at how も is used for more than just "also/too", and I was wondering about how to properly think about this particle as a whole? Every particle so far that I've come across be it で, を, が, に etc can each be thought of as a one, or with the example of に, two concepts, so what would be a good way to think of も? The closest I've gotten so far is that it's some sort of emphasis, but I think that's way too general to just leave it at that.
Nov 30, 2014 12:34 PM
Answers · 1
The word 'も' has many meaning as follows. ==================================== 〜もまた:also; too 〜も〜も:and; as well as; both〜and〜 〜も〜でない:not〜either; neither〜nor〜 〜ほども:as many [much, long, far] as; no less [fewer] than 〜さえも:even 〜どちらでも:or; either〜or〜 たとえ〜でも:even if; although; though どんなに〜しても:no matter how [what]〜; however; whatever
December 1, 2014
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