what is the difference between "climate" and "atmosphere"? what is the difference between "climate" and "atmosphere"? please with examples
Dec 6, 2014 12:40 PM
Answers · 3
-Climate is how cold/hot is the environment around you; -Atmosphere is how do you feel in this moment. climate:20° atmosphere-Christmas atmosphere
December 6, 2014
1) The scientific meaning of 'climate' is the average of the weather in a place over a long period of time. For instance: "The climate in London is cool and wet". 2) 'Climate' can also mean the feeling you get in a room perhaps caused by a group of people who are angry about something. In that situation you would might say: "the climate in here is hostile". 3) In scientific terms 'atmosphere' is the air that we breathe; the collection of gasses that exist from the ground upwards and which gradually reduce as we climb higher -- until none are left by the time we reach space. 4) 'Atmosphere' can also mean the same as 'climate' (as in 2). So when you enter a room where people are angry you might say: "there's a very aggressive atmosphere in here." So in non-scientific use 'climate' and 'atmosphere' are interchangeable.
December 6, 2014
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