would like and feel like Diference between would like and feel like
Jul 3, 2015 6:05 PM
Answers · 13
Oi, Júlia. "Would like" é simplesmente "gostaria". Ex.: I would like to register and start earning money immediately. Gostaria de me registar e começar a ganhar dinheiro imediatamente. "Feel like" pode ter duas ideias, a primeira é quando ele é seguido de um substantivo. E significa "Eu me sinto como..." Ex.: I feel like a little girl. Eu me sinto como uma menininha. A segunda ideia de "feel like" ocorre quando essa "collocation" é seguida de um verbo. E dá a ideia de "ter vontade", "querer" Ex.: I feel like dancing. Estou afim de dançar. É isso. :)
July 3, 2015
Would like is a ver in conditional form. However, feel like is an phrasal verb which express you want to do something usually at the moment of speaking.
July 3, 2015
Gostar de Would like (+ noun or infinitive of verb -- for example to travel) Ter vontade de Feel like ( + noun or gerund -- traveling)
July 3, 2015
-'Would like" it to say that you desire somthing, for example i would like to be rich/ i would like to know others countries/i would like to a better job -"feel like" it to compare you with others people or things,i for example i feel like a baby when i eat icecream/ i feel like a stupid when she tell me that/ i feel like a computer because i have many knowledge
July 3, 2015
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