박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the meaning of "šťasten" ? What is the meaning of "šťasten" in the following sentence? Má-li někdo rád květinu, jedinou tohoto druhu na miliónech a miliónech hvězd, stačí mu, aby byl šťasten, když se na hvězdy dívá. What is the dictionary form of "šťasten"?
Feb 5, 2016 1:22 AM
Answers · 2
You can find it in the dictionary under "šťastný" ("happy"). This form of the adjective (short form / jmenný tvar) is mostly restricted to formal language, though one notable exception is rád/ráda ect., which only has a short form. Other examples: mladý - mlád hotový - hotov
February 5, 2016
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