Joseph Lemien
the events leading up to something The other day I came across this sentence: "It is incredibly interesting to hear him describe the events of that day which led up to the shooting." I am able to describe all of this in Chinese except for the part about events leading up to something. Is there a phrase in Chinese which describes how something can both precede and be a factor in a later event? Examples in English: There were a series of events which lead up to our marriage. These were the events that led the European countries to start World War I.
Feb 15, 2016 7:42 AM
Answers · 11
我觉得可以对应“为...埋下伏笔 ”这个说法
February 15, 2016
general word for lead to would be 导致 (usually a bad result) however we use 走向婚姻的殿堂 more often in your first sentence, unless you think the marriage is a bad idea, if you still want to use one word in this case, it would be 促使. in the second sentence 导致/促使 work.
February 16, 2016
原委:how a thing happened from beginning to end; the whole story for example, there were a series of events which lead up to our marriage Events was the cause. Marriage was the result. Events caused marriage.
February 16, 2016
It is not realistic to expect that there is a blanket Chinese expression that covers all of your three examples, which themselves show different meanings in English of the expression "the events leading up to [something]". Your three different sentences would be expressed (as opposed to "translated") by native speakers like so: 1。 听他描述枪击案的来龙去脉,煞是惊心动魄。 2。你的第二句语意不清,要有上下文才能清楚明白。首先文法存疑: were是过去式,lead 是现在式。哪里语意不清呢?句子的意思可以是"婚礼分多部分进行",(威廉王子的婚礼就是一例); 也可以是"我们经过千山万水才能今日定良缘"; 也可以是"我们从认识到结合,过程中有几个标志性的事件"。 3。 这是第一次世界大战的前因后果。 用英语来学汉语就有这个毛病。根本学汉语就必须先把英语完全放下。
February 15, 2016
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