‘你可别整我’是不是 don't mess with me/don't give me a hard time'的意思? ‘你可别整我’是不是 don't mess with me/don't give me a hard time'的意思?
Feb 15, 2016 6:52 PM
Answers · 8
看语境。 ▶ 鄧小平《在中央軍委全體會議上的講話》:“還有些人也不能進領導班子或者不能重用,例如……玩弄權術,專門整人的。” Here 整人 = give sb a hard time/persecute sb. 二年級的Jack不聽老大的話,我們找個時間整整他。 Here 整他 = teach him a lesson/make him suffer. 明天是愚人節/April fool's day,我們弄點什麼整他呢? Here 整他 = play practical jokes on him
February 15, 2016
不对,“别整我”= “don't fool me”
February 15, 2016
in following case, 她故意整他: She blames sth on him on purpose, despite that she knows he didn't do anything wrong.
February 16, 2016
“别惹我”= “don't mess with me”
February 15, 2016
好像是! 我英文有点不懂不过可以这么说 给你好评!
February 15, 2016
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