Did I do this exercise correctly fill in the blank : correct the sentence ( I only see 2 errors ):
Dec 6, 2016 6:49 AM
Answers · 4
1.你现在 要 去哪? 3.我 可以 出去玩吗? 4.你们 想 听什么歌? 6.他当然 想 和老板去。 sooooo difficult. :D even i am a native Chinese… actually these words could fil several blanks ,depending on the circumstances when you say them
December 6, 2016 #3 想要 [不要]/可以/
December 6, 2016
1.你能借我一 点 儿钱吗? 一点儿 a few, some 一下 once,one time 2.我下星期二去东京 it's a problem of words order… 3.飞机几点起飞? the same problem to 2 4.对不起,现在没有座位 also have world order problem,and we say 没有,not 不有 5.你可不可以帮我查下航班? words order problem,and the common phrase
December 6, 2016
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