Thays Ferreira
j'ai envie / je veux or je voudrais ?
Nov 10, 2017 1:26 AM
Answers · 2
Depends. "J'ai envie de..." is probably more of a statement than of a demand. Like "J'ai vraiment envie d'une glace." = "I'm craving for ice cream." "Je veux" is used.. - when you want something from someone like in the sentence: "Je veux une glace." = "I want an ice cream." (basically, buy me an ice cream, especially if the person asks "What do you want?" [Qu'est ce que tu veux?]) - when you want to do something. "Je veux partir." = "I want to go." / "Je veux t'aider." = "I want to help you." "Je voudrais" is more like "I would like (to)". "Je voudrais aller à la plage." = "I'd like to go to the beach." for example. "Je voudrais" is way more polite because it implies the person to whom you're talking doesn't need to grant your request.
November 10, 2017
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