Please help Can someone tell me how to form a korean sentence? Like what order with object verbs nouns pronouns subjects? Please im so confused ! Also can someone tell me some korean words like everyday saying and how to say them and idk just as much korean information you can tell me please!!
Nov 5, 2018 12:23 AM
Answers · 4
the order of Korean sentences are subject object verb.
November 5, 2018
반가워요! Q 01: Can someone tell me how to form a korean sentence? Like what order with object verbs nouns pronouns subjects? A 01: E.g., I ate hamburger yesterday. 저(or 나)는 어제 햄버거를 먹었습니다(or 먹었다). The word order in this sentence is subject+case marker, adverb, noun+case marker, and verb. Q 02: Also can someone tell me some korean words like everyday saying and how to say them A 02: Everyday sayings (proverbs) in Korean consist of 속담 and 고사성어(Chengyu: A type of traditional idiomatic expressions originated in China. Mostly, they consist of 4 Chinese characters. Currently, they are used in the East Asian cultural sphere such as China, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. 사자성어, 사자성어). e.g.) 속담 시작이 반이다.: Well begun is half done. 사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 올라간다.: Too many cooks spoil the broth. 시간이 약이다: Time heals all wounds. 무소식이 희소식이다: No news is good news. 낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다.: Walls have ears. e.g.) 고사성어: Each one has a quite interesting episode... :) 유유상종(類類相從): Like attracts like. 위기일발(危機一髮): Close shave. 자업자득(自業自得): As you sow, so you reap. Sow thin and mow thin. 설상가상(雪上加霜): Add insult to injury. 다다익선(多多益善): The more, the better. Q 03: idk just as much korean information you can tell me please!! A 03: Uhm... your question is too wide to provide you with a brief answer. I would appreciate it if you give me a specific range...
November 5, 2018
the order of Korean sentences are subject object verb.
November 5, 2018
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