Are lost Syllables in Spanish spoken words specific to the region in which they are spoken? When trying to understand spoken Spanish it seems many syllables get truncated when spoken. ie: Written sentence = Dónde está el baños? (7 syllables). This is what I expect to hear. But what is actually spoken sounds like this. Don des tal ba ños. (5 syllables). It's very difficult to 'hear' where one word ends and another begins. Is this due to regional customs or prevalent in most forms of spoken Spanish?
Oct 24, 2019 1:46 PM
Answers · 2
Hi, first of all, the correct sentence is: "¿Dónde está el baño?" or "¿Dónde están los baños?" if you are speaking in plural. People usually speak the least possible, so in some places it is likely that you will hear something like "on' ta'l baño", especially since they want to go to the restroom! Saying only 4 syllables. Now, in Spanish (I don't know in English), there's this stylistic device called "sinalefa" which allows a poet to merge the last syllable of a word if it ends with a vowel with the first of the next one if it begins with a vowel again, so the verse can fit better in some contexts. Example: -Su ma-no es gran-de -Su ma-noes gran-de In spoken language we tend to do this, as you correctly noted in your question. When we speak fast we merge syllables without noticing. this happens in every Spanish variety. That's just how people speak, sometimes is hard, but once you master it you'll be able to understand a lot! Good luck!
October 24, 2019
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