What is the Russian equivalent of these English expressions used during active listening? "Really?" "Cool!" "That's nice" "Oh dear..." (in reponse to negative news) "I see..." Any other commonly used expressions that you recommend?
Nov 17, 2019 7:44 AM
Answers · 4
"Really?" - 1. Правда? 2. Ничего себе! 3. Шутишь? 4. Да ладно! "Cool!" - 1. Круто! 2. Клёво! 3. Классно! 4. Отлично! 5. Ничего себе! "That's nice" - 1. Это хорошо! 2. Здорово! 3. Мило! "Oh dear..." (in reponse to negative news) - 1. О, Боже мой! 2. Все ни слава Богу! "I see..." - 1. Мне кажется. 2. Я думаю, что... 3. Я полагаю... 4. Я знаю...
November 17, 2019
Well, you already have quite a choice, but I will add my two cents anyway:) Правда? Класс! Ну, это хорошо О, господи... Понятно...
November 17, 2019
"Really?" - Серьезно? Да ладно? "Cool!" Круто! Прикольно! Офигенно! "That's nice" Неплохо! "Oh dear..." (in reponse to negative news) to be honest we don't use something like this, we just say something like "sorry" without appeal, but you may say "бедняжка", but it's usually used when you tell to your (e.g.) mom that your friend has a problem now and you call her бедняжка "I see..." Я понимаю, понятно, ясно Any other used expressions: Офигеть, с ума сойти - go nuts Also we often change the word forms like "прикольно - прикольн, прекольна, прекол" asoasf Какая разница - who cares Молодец! Well done (only for one person) (we have молодцы for group of people but it's sounds like if you are at school lol) I did it! - you may say "получилось!" but more often we say "ес" like english yes. Капец when something bad happened like if you've got some paint on your new t-shirt and you may say "капец мама прибьет меня (my mother will kill me)" Да ты офигел! (or ?) How dare you? We have a lot of words that based on the word фиг like офигел (if я офигел! I was surprised, but if ты офигел? means are you kidding me, are you an idiot? When a person from your school poured watter on you on purpose), офигеть (omg), офигенно (nice), иди нафиг (like step the fuck off but not so hard, it often use children) etc Ору - something like lol or lmao, really useful among teens irl and in social networking Also omg, irl and lol we may say in real life and in SN Oh, yes! Really useful блин! like dumn, it use aaall people starting with children
November 17, 2019
Правда? Круто! Это хорошо. О, боже... Понятно/Я понял/Я поняла... No way! - Не может быть! Are you kidding? - Шутишь, да? Great! - Здорово! Are you insane? - Ты ненормальный/ненормальная?
November 17, 2019
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