just so so 是不是英语短语啊 我怎么印象里觉得是 “仅仅如此而已,小case” just so so 是不是英语短语啊 我怎么印象里觉得是 “仅仅如此而已,小case”
May 26, 2010 6:20 AM
Answers · 2
是英语,马马虎虎的意思,不过现在的人不经常用了,你可以用all right/not too bad/OK来代替just so so 你说的小case 是a piece of cake,意思是很轻松就能完成的事
May 26, 2010
Yes it's slang but no, not exactly, it doesn't mean '小 case', check out: http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q=so-so&tab=&keyfrom=dict.top But I don't suggest you to use it in formal writing, understand?
May 26, 2010
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