Hey,guys,what's the difference between "yo he"and "yo"? so I can't say "yo amado"?I wonder if "yo he "a pronoun?so I can't say "yo amado"?I wonder if "yo he "a pronoun?
Jun 16, 2010 6:04 AM
Answers · 4
First, as other respondents already indicated, "yo" is the subject pronoun (in nominative form) in Spanish, equivalent to "I" in English and「我」in Chinese. Then, "he" is from the verb "haber" in Spanish, which is the present tense in first-person singular. "Haber" has generally two functions: 1) It serves as an auxiliary verb in some compound tenses, particularly in a perfect sense. The most common one is the present perfect tense, where the Spanish formation is "haber + participio pasado", equivalent to "to have + past participle" in English and「已/曾 ... 過」in Chinese. 2) It serves as an impersonal verb, i.e., with conjugation available only in third-person singular, which has a meaning of "there to be" in English and「(那兒)有」in Chinese. Obviously, "yo he" does not fit into the second category. However, when referring to the first category, this form is considered "incomplete", because when serving as an auxiliary verb, "haber" needs to have another main verb, which is represented in past participle. Practical examples can be seen from other respondents, such as, Yo he amado. = I have loved. = 我曾愛過。 Yo he comido patatas. = I have eaten potatoes. = 我(已)吃過馬鈴薯。 Ya he ido a Japón dos veces. = I have already gone to Japan two times. = 我已去過日本兩趟。 Unlike French, Italian or German, when expressing in perfect tenses, Spanish is like English, where only one auxiliary verb is applied regardless the types of main verb, and this is "haber" ("to have" in English). This is certainly a very good news to any Spanish learners. Another point you may need to be aware is that, in Spanish, unless it is necessary to emphasize or clarify the subject matter, the subject pronoun is usually not needed, especially in the main clause. As you see in the last example in above, the respondent did not write down "yo" when he referred to "he ido a Japón", since the conjugation has already implied the pronoun. Take care, and good day. / Cuídate, y que tengas buenos días. / 請多保重。祝 是日安好。
June 16, 2010
Yo he amado: is a present perfect case, which is used for pinnin down a recent action like: "Recién he ido al cine", and an experience like "Ya he ido a Japón dos veces". The use of Perfective is restricted to the European variant mainly, and if we make a timeline tenses should be organized like this: Past Perfect --> Present Perfect--> Present---> Conditional--> Future This means this complex tense is used for actions which are closely connected with both present and past, but you refer to in present. (RECENT ACTIONS) Its main difference with English Present Perfect is that the Spanish one has a "time" emphasis, therefore, the listener will understand the action has happened on a very close past. On the other hand, for expressing experiences, it is only necessary to add some adverbs or phrase particles indicating such action as experience for the listener to understand. And finally, you gotta consider that some Spanish verbs have an irregular participle, like the verb "abrir" Yo abrí la puerta. Yo he abierto la puerta.
June 16, 2010
The differnce, I'll try to explain with two sentences. Yo como patatas. - I eat potatoes. Yo / I:subject como / eat: the verb patatas / potatoes: Direct complemenet. Yo he comido patatas. - I have eaten potatoes. Yo / I:subject he comido / have eaten: the verb patatas / potatoes: Direct complemenet. The diference is that "he comido" "haber + verb" is a composed verb form. You solud watch verbal times in the next link:
June 16, 2010
yo is a pronoum (first person) yo he + verb (participio) is a pronoum + verb ( in this case "Preterito perfecto") for example ' yo he amado' (I have loved)
June 16, 2010
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