Please give me your tips how to learn spanish as a beginner (I have spanish lessons 3 times a week in high school, I started with them 2 months ago). Thank you:D
Nov 8, 2021 9:10 PM
Comments · 4
Look at the language as a system, mathematical one. Let me know if you understand what I am trying to say to you.
November 18, 2021
First you need to pick an accent, and you need to practice with videos (movies or series) that you enjoy, or things that you enjoy, and try to copy the way to say the words, write down some vocabulary, but the most important thing is having conversations with natives, Considera tener clases de conversación conmigo, estoy seguro que te va a ayudar a mejorar mucho. Que te vaya bien ✌️
November 18, 2021
First, choose an aspect of the language that you would like to practice. Then, look for a song with those elements in the lyrics. Next, look for the translation and try to memorize it. I can help you further if you like. Kindly, Francis
November 10, 2021
I Can Help you with your spanish
November 9, 2021