请帮我一下 每个儿子勿吵架和抱怨父母。 这个句子对吗?? 我想用“勿” 的语法。
Oct 31, 2021 7:18 AM
Comments · 8
October 31, 2021
“孩子不要抱怨父母、和父母吵架。”这样说比较好。 “勿”是一个比较书面的用法,一般只用于固定的词组或成语(“勿”is a more written usage, which is generally only used for fixed phrases or idioms),比如“勿扰”=“请勿打扰”(Don't disturb)、“勿忘”(不要忘记)、“稍安勿躁”(耐心等待一下,不要急躁)。
November 1, 2021
勿 more to a verb we use in writing, for example you write a letter to your family, you wrote "dont miss me ( with a meaning of dont worry on me)" in the end of your letter, you could write “勿念" (means dont miss me, dont worry about me). Nowadays this word is seldom used. Most of the time you will see it if you're reading somebody's book which is publishing his/her letters.
October 31, 2021