Рехан Аршад
What are the differences between: Водой , воды and вода ?
Feb 27, 2021 5:11 AM
Answers · 1
This is summary of "Падежи". They tilt the word in different directions (there are 6 падежей in total): Именительный - вода (answers the question "who?", "what?" - "кто", "что"); Родительный - воды (answers the question "whom?", "what?" - "кого", "чего"); Дательный - воде (answers the question "to whom?", "what/which?" - "кому", "чему"); Винительный - воду (answers the question "whom/who?", "what?" - "кого", "что"); Творительный - водой (answers the question "by whom?", "than?" - "кем", "чем"); Предложный - о воде (answers the question "about whom?", "about what?" - "о ком", "о чём"). The approximate meaning is conveyed in English.
February 27, 2021
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